An Introduction to the Faculty System

What is a faculty?
A faculty is a term used for a group of subjects which work together in partnership to achieve something more than they do on their own.  The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Through consulting and reflecting with all our stakeholders, we determined that we should focus on 4, key, human qualities to develop in all students, throughout the curriculum, as well as making sure that they achieve in each subject.

Faculty of Independence

We bring together the areas of English, Literacy, PEEP (People, Environments, Events, Places), Careers and the suite of vocational studies. We aim to provide our learners with the best skill set possible to engage independently with their communities and to access all the opportunities that our amazing region has to offer, for the rest of their lives.

Faculty of Creativity

We bring together the areas of Drama, Dance, Art, Music and Photography.  We aim to develop the creative minds of our learners and encourage creative thinking, whilst developing confidence, self-esteem and key communication skills. Our ambitious productions and events encourage them to dare to dream. All of this will support them in imagining new possibilities for the rest of their lives.

Faculty of Wellbeing & Self-Regulation

We bring together PE, RE, Philosophy, Citizenship and SRE (Sex and Relationships Education) to provide students with an understanding and capacity for regulating their own emotions & personal wellbeing, both physically and mentally, as well as being mindful and understanding of the needs of others.  This is so that they can enjoy lifelong health and wellbeing in every sense.

Faculty of Curiosity (STEM)


We bring together Science, Design Technology, Computing (TfL) Engineering and Mathematics to enrich student understanding of aspects of the world around us and to nurture a thirst to find out more .  This is so that they can develop the rewarding habit of being curious and questioning – both the familiar and the unfamiliar – for the rest of their lives.