
In a busy world, we are always very appreciative of interest shown in becoming a governor and from time to time we have vacancies, although we are happy to accept applications at any time. We make good use of the Associate Governor role for supplementing our main governing body. We particularly welcome parents and carers to our team and this short film explains a little more about what’s involved and who to contact if this may be for you:

The Role of the Parent Governor

Parent Governor Information 2023

If you would like to find out more, or to make an application, you can do so here:

Hampshire Governor Website and Application Forms

You are also warmly welcomed to email the Chair of Governors, Paul Gutman, at [email protected]


 Chair Of Governors

Mr Paul Gutman

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs Nicky Mills  [email protected]

Local Authority Governor

Mr Paul Gutman (Safeguarding Governor)

Vice Chair

Mrs Jeanne Gordon

Parent Governors

Ms Alice Lording (SEND Governor)

Co-Opted Governors

Mr Jim Mitchell (Staff) (Careers Education and Guidance)

Mrs Jeanne Gordon

Ms Pal Hayre

Mrs Dawn Armitage

Ms Annalise Adam

Mr James Tyler

Staff Governor

Mrs Sarah Kiff


Ms Marijke Miles

Associate Members

Mr R Mitchell (Staff)